You can upload supported files (images, text and PDF) to Runchat by dragging and dropping them into the editor or using the File input node. To upload Files, you will need to be signed in to your Runchat account.

Uploading Images

You can work with images from your local PC or mobile phone by uploading them to Runchat’s storage. After uploading, Runchat will return a URL to the hosted image that can be used for prompting language models, generating images, submitting to external apis and so on. The maximum supported file size for uploaded images is 1mb.

To upload an image, drag and drop a JPG or PNG into the runchat editor. After the upload is completed, Runchat will add a File node to the canvas with the image pre-loaded.

Uploading PDFs

You can upload PDFs to Runchat’s Google Cloud storage and use these as context for prompts to Google’s Gemini models. To upload a PDF, drag and drop it into the editor. After uploading, runchat will add a File node to the canvas with a reference to the google cloud storage link. This link is not a download link to your file, and the file can only be accessed by other Google APIs. Note that large PDFs will take some time to upload, and can lead to very slow response times from the language model.