To save changes to a Runchat you will need to be signed in to your Runchat account. Runchat will automatically save a local copy of your work whenever you make any changes to nodes, and save to the cloud whenever you add, remove, run or publish a node.
There are several ways to create a new runchat.
Note that creating a new runchat will overwrite any unsaved local changes you have made - so if you want to keep what you were working on remember to save it to the cloud.
Runchat will save your local changes whenever you make changes to a node. Runchat will also automatically save after you change the name of your Runchat. If you have a Pro account, Runchat will also save a new version to the Runchat history whenever a node is added or removed.
Runchat will automatically save new Runchats using the current date. To change the name of the runchat, click on the name in the top left corner of the editor window and make your changes. Press enter or click away from the input to confirm.
If you have a Runchat Pro account, you can view the save history for your Runchat from the Runchat menu in the top left of the editor. Once you have named and saved your runchat, a copy of your runchat will be saved to the cloud every time you add or remove a node. Clicking on a time stamp will replace nodes in the editor with the state of the runchat at that time. You can add a custom label to each saved version to make it easier to return to particular states, and delete versions if you wish.
All saved runchats are public by default, meaning that if someone visits the url link to your runchat they will be able to see exactly how it was made. This is to encourage learning and sharing. To make a runchat private and prevent other users from opening it in editor view or making copies, click Make Private from the Runchat menu in the top left of the editor. Private runchats can still be published as apps, shared in libraries and used as nodes in other runchats.
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Toggling privacy settings requires a Runchat Pro subscription.